R and D Tax Credits

Research and Development Tax Credits

As business specialists, we understand the importance of cutting costs, boosting profits, making the business more efficient and increasing your buying power.

As part of your investment in your company, there is a high chance you will be undertaking some degree of research and development – and could be eligible for a research and development tax credit or a cash refund.

Business Bank UK has partnered with a specialist firm of tax experts specialising in helping companies identify Research and Development within their business and claim R and D Tax Credits.

Businesses can reclaim Research and Development tax relief from the UK government up to 33% of their R&D costs, even if the project failed. 


R and D Tax Credits Business Bank UK

Additional Funds To Grow Your Business

R and D Tax Credits provide a valuable source of funding. The financial gains can transform future investment decisions into your business, depending on your growth and expansion needs.

Despite the UK’s R and D Tax Credit scheme is one of the most generous of over 30 such tax subsidy schemes worldwide, the take-up across UK business has been minimal. The lack of R and D tax credit uptake has primarily been due to a lack of awareness and misunderstandings.

Thousands of companies are missing out on tax credits or vital cash for their business.
As part of our commitment to supporting British businesses, we have created an opportunity to help access this potentially business-changing service.

What Is The Cost?

Personal data is a risk. With the risk comes liability for which directors can be personally liable.
That means the directors houses, cars, savings, shares and pensions are personally at risk from not being compliant with the rules of GDPR.

How It Works

The process for claiming tax refunds or cashback is straightforward and designed to maximise the benefit without taking too much time.

Typically, you should expect to spend no more than half a day and could receive tax credit or cash within 4-6 weeks of your initial conversation.

Once you submit your details, our partners will:

  1. Arrange a meeting to explain the service in more detail and confirm if you qualify
  2. Request financial and project information
  3. Speak to key staff to extract relevant information about your work
  4. Produce a technical report and calculate the value of your claim
  5. Submit the claim to HMRC on your behalf.

Once approved, you will receive your tax credit or cash.

We can also support your business with GDPR Tax Credits.

1. Register

Send us 3 months copy of your bills, or leave us your contact details and we’ll be in touch.

2. Research

Using our unrivalled buying power, we’ll scour the market, to present you with the most appropriate deals for your business.

3. Savings

Once you’ve decided which deal is best for you, we’ll process your new contract. Customers typically save 35%

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